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Questions regarding the Colon Hydrotherapy Procedures

Symptoms include tiredness, weight gain, constipation, headaches, backache, gas and bloating.

No. You will fully maintain your personal dignity. You will be in a private room with only your therapist, who will help you feel at ease.

No, for the majority of people the treatment is comfortable. Some people may experience a brief and mild and transient cramping sensation when the colon muscle begins to work to release waste. Most clients feel relaxed, clean and lighter afterwards.

A gown is offered for you to change into or you may remain in your shirt. During the treatment you will be fully covered. A sheet is placed over you to maintain your privacy.

Yes, It is a gentle and effective service approved by the US FDA and used in hospitals.

Yes, many of our clients come in their lunch hour and return to work.

Many clients have reported higher energy levels, clearer skin and bright eyes, relief from gas, improved elimination through kidney, skin and bowel.

The colonic itself takes approximately 45 minutes. Allow 1½ hours for the initial appointment.

The Colon is the last part of the digestive tract, alimentary canal or otherwise known as gastrointestinal tract.

diagram of the colon

The digestive canal is the long tract, tube or passageway which the food we eat, passes through, from the mouth to the anus. The colon is also known as the bowel, large bowel, lower bowel, large gut, lower gut and large intestine. The colon is approximately 1.5m in length and 6-7cm in diameter.

The small intestine which precedes the colon (large intestine) is approximately 6m in length and is where most of the vitamins and minerals from our food are absorbed into our blood stream. The main role of the colon is to eliminate digested waste and to reabsorb water and any remaining vitamins and minerals.

Present in the colon are many lacto bacteria which are important for food digestion and assimilation, such as acidophilus and bifida. B vitamins and vitamin K are produced by these bacteria, as well as hydrogen peroxide which once absorbed into the blood stream undergo a chemical reaction to provide oxygen to the body.

Yes, the colon has reflex points to other organs in the body in the same way that the feet do. If a certain section of the colon is impaired, the corresponding organ will be affected or a certain health condition could result. It makes sense that if toxins reside in the colon they will be reabsorbed into the body through the blood and be taken to other organs.

diagram of the colon

In the diagram above, you can see where the reflex points lie. It is evident that the health of the bowel is of paramount importance for optimum health. Colon reflex points help us understand just how negative the impact is, of an unhealthy bowel on the rest of the body. It is impossible for the other organs of the body to function well when the bowel is unwell.

Transit time is the term given for the time food takes to pass from the mouth to the anus through the gastrointestinal tract. Food should ideally have a transit time of 24 hours or less.

Due to bad diet, dehydration and lack of adequate exercise most people suffer from slow transit time, with some people putting up with a transit time of several days! The average Australian man has a transit time of 60 hours and for women it's an incredible 70 hours!

Just think about that... Food matter left to sit in the warmth of the bowel putrefies, stagnates and ferments creating a compost effect and a very toxic health compromising environment. It is easy to believe that death begins in the bowel. If the colon isn't emptied daily, digested food builds up and begins to ferment and putrefy resulting in the inevitable development of chronic health conditions. The waste becomes sticky and begins to adhere to the walls of the colon. Gradually over the years, it builds up layer upon layer, like plaque on an artery, slowing down transit time as it narrows the width of the colon. Autopsies have shown that some colons are so absolutely clogged that only a 'pencil thin' space remains for food to pass through, instead of the normal 6-7 centimetres!

Healthy eating habits, exercise and colonics will increase your transit time, prevent illness and help get you back on track, looking great and feeling fabulous again!

No, small amounts of water will gently soften, loosen and wash away old waste material from the rectum right through to the caecum of the large intestines.

However, there is a one-way valve at the caecum, between the end of the small intestines and the large intestines, called the ileo-caecal valve. This one-way valve only allows digested food to pass from the small to the large intestines. It will not permit the contents once in the large intestines to go back. Therefore, no water during the colonic session will pass from the large intestines through into the small intestines.

No, Enemas only flush out the rectum using small amounts of fluid. Colonics provide a much more thorough and therapeutic result, cleansing the entire large intestine from the rectum right through to the caecum.

No, the use of laxatives can be very detrimental to the health and normal function of your colon. When taken over long periods of time they make the bowel lazy. The peristalsis wave-like muscle action becomes sluggish as the laxatives work in its place, to remove the waste from the body. Colonics on the other hand stimulate the peristalsis action of the bowel.

Laxatives also tend to dehydrate the body as liquid is lost through the induced diarrhoea type bowel motions. They disturb the good bacteria in the gut and don't cleanse the colon thoroughly as it cannot budge the hardened material accumulating on the walls of the colon.

No! On the contrary colonics stimulate the colon's natural peristalsis.

Over time if not having daily bowel motions faecal matter builds up and hardens. It burdens the bowel causing toxicity in the body and bringing with it a sense of heaviness and lethargy. The peristalsis, which is the wave-like muscular contraction that moves digested food through the bowel, becomes sluggish due to the resistance of the overload of waste. Colonics eliminate the built up waste, freeing up the bowel to begin working normally again.

The treatment with its type of internal massage stimulates the muscles in the colon to work again. It's a form of passive exercise, providing a type of 'work out' which tones and strengthens the muscle of the colon throughout the course of your treatments. It encourages more regular bowel movements, resulting in noticeably reduced symptoms of bloating, cramping, gas, constipation and discomfort.

Yes! Kilos of waste can be stored in the 1.2m length of the large bowel. If the bowel is clogged with built up waste it slows the metabolism, contributes to feelings of lethargy, lessening your motivation to exercise. This heavy material built up in the colon definitely contributes to weight gain.

Just think, for every meal eaten we should have a corresponding bowel motion. If we don't, those meals are being stored up in the bowel. It's not just vanishing into thin air, it has to go somewhere!

The transverse bowel is often heavily laden with waste and due to the pull of gravity it sags, distorting the natural shape of the bowel and producing the so called 'pot belly'. This common abdominal bloating or podge that many people complain they just can't budge, no matter what diet or exercise regime they embark on, can often be removed through a series of colonics.

Colonics provide the means to kick start a healthier lifestyle, help remind us we are what we eat and make us more conscious of what we take into our bodies.

Most definitely! The old adage "Beauty comes from within" couldn't be any truer in the sense that without having 'inner' health, within, we cannot be healthy on the outside.

Few of us realise that our skin is the largest eliminatory organ of the body. Our skin is a porous layer which allows impurities both in and out of the body. Whether we want to remove toxins absorbed in through our skin or want to avert the release of toxins out through the skin, colonics are the solution.

The body has several ways to eliminate toxins from the body besides the skin. We also have the bowel, the lungs, the kidneys and the liver. If the bowel fails to adequately remove these toxins, the old decaying waste in the bowel is absorbed into the blood stream and is taken to be processed by the other eliminatory organs. Some of the toxins are taken by the blood towards the skin where they seep through contributing to a variety of skin conditions including acne, redness of the skin from surface capillaries, eczema and psoriasis.

Clients often comment on the healthy glow they've gained through cleansing the body with colonics.

"Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent detoxifier for the overindulgence of alcohol and drug addictions of all kinds. Residues of drugs and other agents in the tissues are eliminated with colon hydrotherapy. It takes away any desire to use drugs or imbibe alcoholic beverages. Colon hydrotherapy should be part of nearly any addict's therapeutic regimen."

James P. Carter, MD, DrPH
Professor & Head of Nutrition Tulane University School of Medicine, USA

Colon Hydrotherapy is beneficial as an adjunct to any detoxification program.

Prescription medications, recreational drugs, alcohol, nicotine, coffee, preservatives, additives, sugar, refined foods, environmental pollution, pesticides, chemicals and heavy metals like mercury, build up in the body and leave a toxic residue, particularly in the liver, colon and fatty tissues of the body.

Yes, in combination with other treatments it can assist in flushing out of the large colon. Parasites can be taken into our bodies through foods consumed, unsanitary practices, overseas travel, and from contact with animals.

Colonics are a great way to deal with infestations that cause weight loss, as well as weight gain and bloating etc...

No, the average person's colon is largely populated by harmful bacteria anyway, due to unhealthy food and lifestyle choices and from the use of antibiotics.

The built-up putrefied waste in the colon greatly contributes to the increase of these bad bacterial substances. Colonics remove toxic waste providing a healthier environment for the bowel and indeed for the body as a whole. Therefore, colonics increase the opportunity for the good intestinal flora to flourish once again and aid in restoring your health.

It is recommended to take a course of probiotics from time to time and it is a wonderful time to do this when the colon has been cleansed and refreshed with colonics.

No! It is important to note that the latent pressure of faecal matter in the rectum is approximately 50mm Hg, which when a person expels naturally, increases to about 200mm Hg. The colonic procedure does not go as high as this.

Therefore the minimal pressure applied to the bowel is in fact even less than when we eliminate naturally ourselves. So any query regarding perforation can be allayed.

There is no need to allow this time to put you off having a colonic. The treatment will enhance your cleansing cycle and alleviate the discomfort of the common cramping experienced during a period.

With the understanding of the bowel's anatomy and physiology and its main function being to reabsorb water, it is natural that some of the purified water introduced into the bowel during the colonic would be absorbed.

The body is made up of 60-70% water and every tiny blood cell consists of approximately 90% water! That's pretty amazing. It is certainly evident that drinking water is of paramount importance. Sure we obtain lots of water from the raw food and some beverages we consume; however, there is no substitute for fresh unadulterated water!

In terms of detoxification the water absorbed from what we drink and through the process of a colonic helps to hydrate the body and flush out toxins building up at a cellular level.

The benefit of cleansing disease causing toxins from the bowel far outweighs the minimal, if any, loss of electrolytes.

It can sometimes be challenging to empty the whole contents of the colon in the initial treatment. It can take more than one session. Many of us have considerable amounts of impacted waste in the colon. Between treatments we recommend the use of Lower Bowel Stimulant herbs which encourage the bowel to eliminate at home. The second and subsequent treatments bring about continually better results.

Keep in mind that it has taken years to reach our current condition, overcoming lifelong health conditions like constipation may not happen overnight. The elimination of accumulated toxins and the breakdown of waste adhering to the colon could take a series of colonics. However, having said that, people report some immediate results even after the first treatment.

We constantly take in toxins from our environment, experience stress and sometimes make unhealthy food choices, which all negatively affect the health of our colon. For these and other reasons, maintenance treatments are highly beneficial, subsequent to the initial treatments. Clients who have suffered with long term constipation report that monthly treatments relieve their discomfort a great deal and help them to regain a normal lifestyle. You can discuss how many sessions you may need with the therapist. It greatly depends on the client's health condition and what they wish to achieve.

Without our health we cannot achieve anything; life goals, a career, social or family life... Colon Hydrotherapy helps with restoring your health.

You should not be treated with colon hydrotherapy if you currently or have recently suffered with any of the following conditions:

  • Anal Fissures
  • Colitis (currently painful and bleeding)
  • Colon Cancer (presently undergoing treatment)
  • Colon, Rectal or Abdominal Surgery (within the last 6 months)
  • Colostomy
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Extremely High Blood Pressure
  • Gastro-Intestinal Haemorrhage
  • Haemorrhoid or rectal (current bleeding or surgery within last 6 months)
  • Intestinal Perforations
  • Kidney failure (Dialysis or Renal Insufficiency)
  • Liver failure
  • Pregnancy
  • Undiagnosed severe abdominal pain.

It is advisable to postpone your colonic in these certain cases. Please contact us if you have any concerns.

Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is the most common internal cancer in Australia, with over 13,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world!

If not treated, it can spread from the affected area to other parts of the body. However, if detected early it is also the most curable cancer.

Bowel cancer kills 80 Australians each week! Prevention is paramount, with high importance placed on diet and lifestyle. The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing states that although no cancer is completely preventable, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can prevent 66% to 75% of bowel cancer cases. It's never too late to correct your diet and lifestyle.

The following factors increase the risk of bowel cancer.

  • A diet high in fat, salt and preserved foods
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Genetic history, or
  • High animal protein consumption such as dairy (milk) and meat products
  • An inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis

Fact: Bowel Cancer kills more Australians each year than breast and prostate cancer.

Questions regarding the Colon Hydrotherapy equipment

The Toxygen is a "closed system" colonic irrigation device.

A closed system is described as one that allows water to enter the colon through a disposable plastic tube and waste material to exit through a larger tube, from there it flows through an observation tube and into the drainage system. The water temperature and pressure are controlled by a therapist guided by gauges on the instrument. The regulation of the temperature and pressure can be customized to the patient's comfort.

There is no open evacuation and no offensive odours. The patient is fully draped; their dignity is respected at all times.

Yes! The therapist is an integral and important part of the treatment.

There is a synergism that takes place which involves the expertise of the therapist, the technology of the equipment and the cooperation of the patient. This results in a treatment that is comfortable for the patient and achieves the desired outcome. The therapist may also integrate various types of bodywork such as massage to enhance the session.

No! The safety and comfort of the patient are of utmost importance. They are attended to at all times. They are never left alone.

Yes! Studies conducted in the United States and China show that the Toxygen, when used as preparation for colonoscopy was as good as, if not better than, standard purgative methods.

Dotolo's research indicates that the Toxygen is the only colon therapy device clinically proven to be effective.

Read the supportive documentation at

Yes! The Toxygen comes equipped with a three stage patented water filtration system for particle removal, chlorine reduction, and bacteria and virus reduction.

No! Some systems require special fans or blowers for odour control. As a closed system, waste material is always contained within the tubing therefore eliminating the need for fans or blowers.

No. The Toxygen utilizes sterile, disposable, single use speculums and attachments which are simply removed and discarded after each treatment.

Another feature of the Toxygen is its self-cleaning capability. The equipment is thoroughly cleaned between each treatment. Unlike other devices, the Toxygen's unique "locked in" system allows sufficient contact time for the disinfectant to be effective.

As well as being registered with the FDA, Dotolo Research Corp is certified with international quality standards. The company is audited annually to verify the implementation of the quality systems.